In 1970, I started my work in Near Eastern archaeology as an undergraduate student doing field work at Korucutepe in Eastern Turkey. I continued archaeological field work from 1973 to 1977 under the guidance of Professors Delougaz and Kantor at the massive Protoliterate site of Chogha Mish in southwestern Iran. This was conducted in parallel with the co-direction of excavation for three seasons at Achilleion, a major Neolithic site, in Northern Greece. In 1978, I received my PhD from the Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Culture Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, with a dissertation entitled "Protoliterate Technology and Economy: The Technological Aspect of Food Production, Distribution, and Consumption in Southern Mesopotamia and Khuzistan during the Period of Early Urbanization." |
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From 1977 to 1979, I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi. And, from 1979 to 1981, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Saint Mary's University, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. |
From 1981 to 1982, I was a Senior Fulbright Researcher in Syria. Professor Buccellati appointed me to be the director of excavation for the 1981 season at Tell Qraya, an amazingly rich Protoliterate site on the Middle Euphrates River. |
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From 1982 to 2017, I was able to build on the skills learned in archaeological research to be a hands-on project manager for enterprise infrastructure development and deployment, systems conversion/migrations, capital construction, and organizational change. I have worked for top-tier organizations such as the University of California Office of the President, Visa, eBay, Asian Development Bank (in the Philippines), Kaiser Permanente, and Pacific Gas & Electric. |
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Although my last archeological field work was back in 1981, I maintained a keen interest in Near Eastern Studies, and archaeology in general. I assisted with the publication of The Archeology of Grotta Scaloria: Ritual in Neolithic Southeast Italy, Monumenta Archaeologica 38, 2016. And, since 2018, I have been working on a manuscript, entitled Tell Qraya on the Middle Euphrates: A Comprehensive Excavation Report of the 1981 Season, Undena Publications, scheduled for publication in 2020. I look forward to continuing in academia with a focus on Mesopotamian Area Studies.