My experience at Tell Mozan began back in 2006, and there I mainly worked on the field as archaeologist, especially in two different areas: the Plaza (i.e. unit J1) and the AA area, above the Tupkish Palace (i.e. Unit A20).
In J1 Unit I worked as Assistant archaeologist in 2006 and as Unit director in 2009, and in A20 Unit as Principal assistant in 2008 and as Unit director in 2010. At the same time, besides the usual documentation tasks related to the excavation on the field and the implementation of the UGR, I also tried to work a little in one of my principal interests: the pottery. In fact during the regular excavation seasons I tried to spend some of my time in the study of pottery, whilst during the 2007 study season I almost fulltime worked on ceramic analysis of pottery from Unit A15, regarding my thesis on Khabur period ceramic kilns.
After the last field excavation in 2010, I took care of the publication of the UGR of J1 Unit which I knew best, having directly worked there for two-three seasons, and the publication of A16 Unit, with the main goal to review and to improve the harmonization of a large and archaeologically rich unit as A16, investigated before my arrival in the MZ team.