IIMAS Research Associates

Jonah Lynch

     Archeological research is a convergence point for several of my academic interests: the remote origins of Christianity, religious experience in general, symbolic thought, and the transformations currently occurring as a result of technological developments.

     Since December 2019, I have been involved with structuring and preparing content for the the 4 Banks books companion website. I contribute to the overall structure of the companion website, and coordinate a network of scholars who collaborate in the project. I also conduct bibliographic research and the preparation of critical reviews and monographs, and format the material for inclusion in the site.

          My previous work includes research on Jean Daniélou's symbolic theology, expressed in my doctoral dissertation entitled The Mystical Origin of Jean Daniélou's Preachable Theology. While preparing the dissertation at the Gregorian University, I also organized two international conferences in Rome dedicated to Daniélou's thought.


     My publications include a volume dedicated to the philosophy of technology entitled The Scent of Lemons, two popular works on the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah, and several other books on topics ranging from faith to friendship to art. Euresis Journal published an article of mine about time and human experience. In the pages of Communio, I have published on the relationship between faith and art, and offered theological interpretations of several pieces of music. For Il Sussidiario and other journals, I have written on topics of general interest. Besides writing, I have also participated in planning and executing the creation of new iconography in several churches in Italy and the US.

     I hold a B.Sc. (Physics) from McGill University and an M.Ed. (Secondary Education) from George Washington University, an S.T.L. (Christology) from the Lateran University and an S.T.D. (Fundamental Theology) from the Gregorian University.